Hypnotherapy and IBS

By Samuel Blakemore

A good example of when hypnotherapy can be used as part of an integrative approach to a problem would be for irritable bowel syndrome.

In the case of treatment of IBS with hypnotherapy, the NICE (NHS national institute of health and clinical excellence) state that there is evidence that hypnotherapy was an effective treatment for IBS and should be recommended for sufferers of chronic IBS.

Research has now shown that hypnotherapy is effective in the long term treatment of the condition and can dramatically reduce the sufferers symptoms as part of an integrated approach.

Although research has shown hypnotherapy to be effective in long term improvement on sufferer's symptoms, this is as part of an integrative approach with more traditional interventions.

When a person approaches a therapist for help with IBS it is important that they have first had the condition diagnosed by a GP and that tests have been carried out to determine that there are no other reasons that they are experiencing the symptoms.

People with IBS have a bowel which is hypersensitive over-responds by spasming when they are under stress instead of simply emptying. Because of this hypersensitivity, their pain threshold can also be lowered.

Hypnotherapy for IBS seems to work by lowering the general level of anxiety, lowering the perception of pain and discomfort, which is related to anxiety, and also by directing positive images and suggestions to the gut.

Making lifestyle changes alongside this such as changes to diet and levels of physical activity are useful to further increase the chances of long term success and relief of the symptoms of IBS.

Changes to the diet such as not leaving long gaps between meals, adequate fluid intake, restricting alcohol, fizzy drink and caffeine consumption and limiting the intake of fibre and artificial sweeteners may also be beneficial.

Other factors which can have a positive impact of the symptoms of IBS may be other stress management techniques like lifestyle management and coaching to help control stress levels.

To help ideas about lifestyle changes be taken up by a person they can be encouraged on both a conscious and unconscious level by a therapist.

Hypnotherapy and lifestyle management alongside existing traditional medical interventions can provide results in the treatment of IBS.

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