Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar You Should Know About

By Lionel Noteboom

Apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy that has a surprising number of uses. In modern times, it was made famous by a country doctor named D.C. Jarvis, who wrote several books about it in the 1950s. In actuality, this natural remedy has been used for centuries, so it isn't a modern discovery. So today, we'll look at some of the ways apple cider vinegar can improve your health.

Everyone wants whiter teeth and apple cider vinegar can help with that. Not only does it whiten your teeth with its acidic properties, it gets rid of any bacteria that might be lurking on your gums or teeth. However, you shouldn't use any type of whitener, including ACV, too often. If you use ACV frequently, it can degrade your teeth's enamel.

If you want to use ACV to remove stains on your teeth, gargle with the ACV before you brush your teeth. Then, brush thoroughly. Therefore, make sure you don't do any type of teeth whitening more than once every week. Then, you will have whiter teeth, a clean mouth, all without damaging your tooth enamel.

Athlete's foot is a terrible condition that causes your feet to itch, the skin on your feet to peel, and unsightly rashes to cover your feet. The responsible agent for this condition is an easily transmissible fungus and it isn't easy to clear it up. When left untreated, other parts of your body could become afflicted also. Also, you must be careful not to spread it to other people, or contract it from others because it is very contagious.

So, if you do get a case of Athlete's Foot, one of the most effective natural remedies is apple cider vinegar. The fungus responsible for Athlete's Foot is destroyed by apple cider vinegar due to its anti-fungal properties. The easiest method for treating your athlete's foot is to apply the apple cider vinegar directly to the affected area and let it dry. Wait a couple of minutes before rinsing the area with cool water. Then, dry it thoroughly. You will probably have to repeat this treatment for at least a week before improvement is evident; nevertheless, in most cases successful results have been reported.

One of the surprising benefits of apple cider vinegar is that it helps balance the internal pH of your body. Your body's pH balance bounces between alkaline and acidic. Don't assume that by drinking apple cider vinegar, your body pH balance will become more acidic. The truth is, ACV helps your body return to the proper pH balance. You can buy pH test strips at most pharmacies and check our pH balance for yourself if you have any doubts. To keep your bodily systems functioning at their best, your pH balance should on the alkaline side, around 7.3 or 7.4. When you check your pH balance, if it isn't around 7.3 or 7.4, drink apple cider vinegar daily until you find out how much you need to balance your system. There you have it...just a few of the many health benefits that apple cider vinegar offers. You can also easily find apple cider vinegar and it's not expensive to boot. It will benefit your body inside and out. If your goal is to have good health, check out apple cider vinegar.

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