The Primary Benefits Of Naturopath Portland OR Alternative Treatment Methods

By Sharlene Fleming

Many people wonder just what to expect from their local naturopath Portland OR. Even more important is gaining an understanding of the benefits that this type of alternative treatment can provide. While we are more accustomed to the practices and methods used in today's modern, Western medicine, the holistic alternative to this stems from ancient, proven treatment methods that center around treating the person as a whole, rather than treating the individual symptoms of the condition.

Naturopathic medicine is very focused on the person as a whole, rather than as a sufferer of an particular symptom or ailment. This type of focus on the overall well being of the individual can be beneficial in establishing not only effective treatment regimens, but also in assessing the root cause of the condition in order to establish a future regimen of prevention. A person's well-being is evaluated beyond the physical level, as spiritual, mental and emotional wellness can also figure very powerfully into the equation of overall health.

Where many forms of Western medicine focus on treatment, naturopathic medicine places great emphasis on prevention. If condition-specific prevention is necessary, then those preventative steps will be recommended on an individual basis. However, a focus on the person's total well-being is first and foremost when it comes to prevention of all varieties of diseases and other chronic conditions of pain and discomfort.

Naturopathic medicine does not have to take the place of traditional Western medicine. In other words, one does not have to give up their regular doctor and/or prescribed medications in favor of holistic medicine. The two disciplines aim to achieve the same goal, after all, and that's the improved and sustained health of the patient. In most instances, the two forms of medicine have a complimentary effect on one another, and the patient stands to benefit greatly from the union of the two approaches.

Many patients with daily prescriptions have been able to stop taking their medication after some time on a holistic wellness regimen. This is fairly common with those suffering from headaches, allergies, and other non-life-threatening ailments. Prescription medications should not be stopped without the permission of the prescribing doctor, however.

By treating the cause of the condition, rather that just the symptoms associated with it, naturopathic practitioners are often able to provide patients with a permanent resolution to their discomforts. This ability stems from the holistic focus on the whole person which allows for revelation of the core issues behind a given condition.

Naturopathic medicine utilizes only natural remedies, including treatment ingredients as well as therapies. No significant side effects are associated with holistic medicine. Prescription medications, on the other hand, can often have side effects that are equally discomforting as the condition they are supposed to treat.

Naturopathic medicine encourages a total state of wellness. Patients are treated on an individual basis with recommendations made for the improved state of the whole person - body, mind and spirit. The journey to total health begins with knowing what to expect, and then searching out a qualified naturopath Portland OR for an initial evaluation.

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