Don't Overlook These Important Health Benefits from Apple Cider Vinegar

By Louisa Wilber

There are many uses for apple cider vinegar as a natural remedy. Apple cider vinegar became popular when in the mid-20th century, D.C. Jarvis, a country doctor, wrote a number of books about the natural remedy. However, it was used as a remedy even in ancient times, so it has a very long history. Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits. However, in this article, we'll tackle just a few of the most notable benefits.

You can use apple cider vinegar to whiten your teeth and this has become a popular practice with a lot of folks. Not only does it whiten your teeth with its acidic properties, it gets rid of any bacteria that might be lurking on your gums or teeth. Don't overdo trying to whiten your teeth, however, with any type of whitening product, even apple cider vinegar.

It doesn't take much effort to ingest apple cider vinegar. Instead of using regular vinegar on your salad, simply use ACV. You can also add it to drinks, from plain water to protein shakes. ACV and honey often go together in ancient healing recipes. This will also help reduce the sour taste. However, if you really just don't like to taste vinegar in anything you eat or drink, honey isn't going to solve the problem. The good news in this situation is that many supplements contain ACV. Over a long period of time most individuals find that regular ACV ingestion isn't a big deal.

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Apple cider vinegar has anti-fungal properties and is able to kill the fungus that is responsible for athlete's foot. Simply pour the apple cider vinegar on the area of your foot that has athlete's foot and allow it to dry. A few minutes later, you can rinse it off and dry your foot completely. You will probably have to repeat this treatment for at least a week before improvement is evident; nevertheless, in most cases successful results have been reported.

One of the leading experts on apple cider vinegar in modern times was D.C. Jarvis, who wrote several books about its healing properties. There are benefits to be found for both humans and animals in the use of ACV according to D.C. Jarvis. In quite a few places, he mentions how beneficial ACV can be for arthritis. The high mineral content of apple cider vinegar is what D.C. Jarvis attributes to its ability to aid arthritic maladies. Potassium, especially, is a very important mineral for alleviating the suffering of arthritis. Many people who have tried this remedy have found that taking apple cider vinegar regularly gives them relief from the symptoms of arthritis and greater joint mobility. Apple cider vinegar as a natural remedy isn't something new. Many different cultures around the world have included it in their healing methods for centuries. There are countless conditions it can correct, as well as ridding the body of toxins. Each day we are exposed to toxins in our environment, so even if you don't have any health problems, it's a good idea to include apple cider vinegar in you diet to keep your body toxin free. The benefits of apple cider vinegar that we've discussed in this article are only a few of the many reasons many people swear by it.

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